The ISH in Germany – What is located where?

16.02.2005 -

More than 1,000 innovations, nearly 2,300 exhibitors on 21 hall levels and an exhibition area of approximately 254,000 square metres await some 180,000 visitors at the ISH, the International Trade Fair for Building and Energy Technology, The Bathroom Experience, Air-conditioning and Ventilation Technology (15 to 19 March 2005 in Frankfurt).

Editorial: Diaphragm Metering Pumps for Critical Mixing Tasks in Industrial Oligonucleotide Production

23.04.2024 -

The demands on production systems for medically necessary oligonucleotides are high. Chemical resistance and biological integrity are just as important today as enormous flexibility in order to be able to synthesise a wide variety of drugs. With its special diaphragm metering pumps, LEWA GmbH guarantees compliance with these requirements even for critical mixing tasks and, in addition to standardised platform technologies, even provides customer-specific GMP-compliant systems.

Desmi Introduces the Magnetically Driven Methanol Pump

20.02.2024 -

Safe and efficient DESMI mag-drive centrifugal pumps enable leakage-free methanol fuel systems for ships, reducing vessel carbon emissions and climate impact. With every year that passes, emission regulations tighten in the shipping industry. Shipowners who want to stay in business need to look for ways of reducing carbon emissions to comply with the targets defined in the IMO GHG Strategy and other regulations.

UK Utilities Place Multiple Orders for Hybrid-SAF Technology

16.02.2024 -

Three UK water utilities have agreed orders for the installation of a total of 30 Hybrid-SAF modular biological treatment units from wastewater treatment specialist WCS Environmental Engineering (WCSEE). The contracts with Anglian Water, Scottish Water, and United Utilities demonstrate growing demand for this adaptable wastewater treatment technology that gives utilities greater flexibility in meeting the needs of growing populations and tightening regulatory standards.

Condensate Pumps Retrofitted by Sulzer Offer Fourfold Improvement in MTBF

05.02.2024 -

Operators of offshore platforms are very focused on the reliability of their equipment. Working in such a remote location means that major repairs, if not carefully planned, can result in extended downtime and loss of production. For one platform in Malaysia, a change in output was shortly followed by an increased rate of seal failures on the condensate pumps – an issue that was effectively resolved with a Sulzer retrofit, through their OEM-X line service.